Our foresters are highly experienced in all phases of management plan preparation and implementation, including timber sale layout and prescriptions, road and trail design, erosion and sedimentation plan preparation and permitting, timber marketing, sale administration, supervision of logging crews and site retirement.
We also have incorporated a staff that has developed specialty markets locally and world-wide for various forest products, ensuring the highest possible return for harvested trees.
Edward S. Kocjancic
Bachelor Degree in Business, Penn State University (1984)
Associate Degree in Forestry, Penn State University (1982)
An experienced forester, landowner, businessman and family man, I believe in good work ethics and the proper management and stewardship of our forest resources. My expertise is in the marketing of timberland, veneer logs, sawlogs and other forest products both domestically and internationally.
- Society of American Foresters
- Pennsylvania Forest Industry Association
- Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group
- Pennsylvania Council of Professional Foresters
- Penn State University School of Forest Resources Advisory Board
- St. Callistus Parish Council
- Knights of Columbus
David L. Morgan
Procurement Forester
Bachelor Degree in Business, Penn State University (1984)
Associate Degree in Forestry, Penn State University (1982)
I am an experienced forester with a broad range of skills along with a large network of contacts within the forest industry.
- Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group (Past President and Executive Board of Directors)
- Kane Area Logging Safety Committee (Past Chairman)
- Pennsylvania Forest Industry Association (Past Officer)
- PA SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) – 92 Credit Hours
- Hallton Church (Elder, Youth Group Leader)

Patrick Anderson
B.S. Forest Ecosystem Management, Penn State University, 2017
Forest Management Option
I have work experience with timber inventory, management plan reporting, prescription development, timber marking guided by prescription and timber sale administration.
- Society of American Foresters
- Kane Elks Club